Online Buy Handmade Antique Chinese Calligraphy Arts Copybook 苏轼黄州寒食诗帖 苏东坡行书书法字帖复古本宣纸装裱本. Find More Chinese Traditional Ancient Calligraphy Arts For Your Chinese style collections, China styles home decorations or as unique presents here. As you can see the images, in good condition, made retro, like old or used. Any questions just feel free to contact us.
Materials: Xuan Paper / Rice Paper / Xuan Zhi 宣纸
[Perfect gift] It is not only a painting, but also an unique ornament, very suitable for weddings, housewarming parties, birthdays and Christmas, or be used as a unique gift for friends or teachers or lovers who like to collect Chinese old products.
《苏轼黄州寒食帖》是苏轼行书的代表作。这是一首遣兴的诗作,是苏轼被贬黄州第三年的寒食节所发的 人生之叹。诗写得苍凉多情,表达了苏轼此时惆怅孤独的心情。此诗的书法也正是在这种心情和境况下,有感 而出的。通篇书法起伏跌宕,光彩照人,气势奔放,而无荒率之笔。
《苏轼黄州寒食帖》在书法史上影响很大, 被称为“天下第三行书”,也是苏轼书法作品中的上乘。正如黄庭坚在此诗后所跋:“此书兼颜鲁公,杨少师, 李西台笔意,试使东坡复为之,未必及此。
【装帧】装裱折叠本 宣纸二层 硬面
【页面】26面 520CM长
【规格】宽20cm 高29.5cm
古籍装帧 宣纸装裱 供欣赏,学习,收藏,描摹