Shipping policy

After we get the confirmation of your payment, we will send out your items in 2-5 days.We will choose a reasonable mode of transport according to the weight of the goods. Because of the different local transport services in different countries, sometimes there will be differences. I hope you can understand. If need other modes of transportation are required, please contact us before purchase, may be required additional transportation costs.
Weight: less than 2kg by Air Mail / China Post / USPS, about 7-22 day.
Weight: about 2-20kg by China Post / EMS / USPS, about 7-15 day.
Weight: more than 20kg by EMS / USPS / FedEx, about 5-10 days.
(Weight-included the weight of packing materials.)
In addition, we only provide transport services, excluding the customs duties of the country where the buyer is located, which need to be borne by the buyer.
--We do our best to provide quick service. However, as severe weather, Clean Custom, Holidays etc. reasons, sometimes unforeseeable delays can occur.
--If it has been over 35 days since your payment date and it has not been received, contact us immediately, we will work quickly to locate the item and help solve it.