Online Buy Handmade Antique Chinese Calligraphy Arts Copybook 灵飞经钟绍京唐人小楷全本古帖 书法善本宣纸经折装碑文字帖. Find More Chinese Traditional Ancient Calligraphy Arts For Your Chinese style collections, China styles home decorations or as unique presents here. As you can see the images, in good condition, made retro, like old or used. Any questions just feel free to contact us.
Materials: Xuan Paper / Rice Paper / Xuan Zhi 宣纸
[Perfect gift] It is not only a painting, but also an unique ornament, very suitable for weddings, housewarming parties, birthdays and Christmas, or be used as a unique gift for friends or teachers or lovers who like to collect Chinese old products.
《灵飞经》:道教经典。主要阐述存思之法。今道藏有《上清琼宫灵飞六甲左右上符》,一卷。《汉武内传》谓此经用于请命延算、长生久视、驱策众灵、役使鬼神。《灵飞经》是唐代著名小楷之一,无名款。元袁桷,明董其昌皆以为唐钟绍京书。钟绍京,字可大,虔州赣人。官至中书令,越国公。书学二王,褚、薛在当时是享有盛名的书家,时号“ 小钟 ”,也是收藏家,个人收藏名家真迹数百卷。《灵飞经》笔势圆劲,字体精妙。后人初习小楷多以此为范本。
【规格】宽 14.5cm 高 28cm
【页面】38面 经折本